Calculate Town Score: An old script to calculate the town score via a soul Town Page. It was useful to calculate scores of towns that didn't show up on the leaderboard (for comparison). However with the Scoring changed, this script has not been modified, and the results are inaccurate.

Create Twinoid Message From Town: Scoops up all the twinoid IDS from citizens in the town and creates a Twinoid message with all these people included. Run this script from the Citizen's page.

HC Repair Calculator: This calculates the repair needed for each building.
Let's say a building's status is 12/43. To find the amount needed you:

This total is displayed in a message, which explains per building.

MMJ12: Custom Javascript written to load the do.not.die2nite data for MMJ #12

MMJ13: Custom Javascript written to load the do.not.die2nite data for MMJ #13